About us

Who we areThe Virtual Campus of UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) provides online in-service training to decision-makers, managers and practitioners working in the education sector in order to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of educational planning and management.

The Virtual Campus offers a selection of thematic online courses of two months in duration, e-forums, and the 11-month blended programme in Education Sector Planning (ESP).

Online training offered by the IIEP Virtual Campus draws on over 50 years of experience in educational planning and management. It allows participants to benefit from high quality and hands-on training, while remaining in their professional settings and fulfilling their daily responsibilities.

Why choose the IIEP Virtual Campus?

IIEP draws on a half-century of experience in educational planning and management. Online training delivered by IIEP's Virtual Campus builds on the following advantages:

  • Hands-on and practice-oriented training: Participants study using their national data, documentation, and references in their national settings. The practical exercises allow them to directly apply acquired skills.
  • Quality at every step of the way: Training materials are based on the Institute’s up-to-date knowledge from its research and field work. Online courses are administered by seasoned experts from IIEP staff and/or other international experts.
  • Interactive and peer learning process: Participants from the same ministry or institution and from different countries communicate with each other, exchange experience, build and strengthen their professional networks.
  • Flexibility: Participants can organize their own study schedules according to their daily, professional commitments.

Participants’ profile

The IIEP online courses are primarily designed for professionals from public sector institutions involved in education sector planning and management (e.g. ministries of education, finance or planning) working at both central and decentralized levels. Teaching and research staff from universities and practitioners from other institutions (such as NGOs, international organizations, etc.) can also benefit from online training delivered by IIEP.

Candidates must meet the following requirements:. 

  • Professional experience: Candidates must have at least three years’ experience (at central or decentralized level) in a responsible position in educational planning and/or management or in the area of training/research in the same field.

  • Education: candidates must have successfully completed undergraduate studies (bachelor’s or equivalent degree)

  • Language: English or French depending on the course. Candidates must be able to read, write and understand the course language proficiently.

The participation of female candidates is strongly encouraged.


  • "The (course) content gave me additional knowledge and skills to better perform my job..."
  • "I found all the (training) modules quite useful and I will continue to use them as a point of reference in the future..."
  • "IIEP course team was always alert and ready to respond..."
  • "The course platform really provided a useful avenue to share information with IIEP team members as well as colleagues..."
  • "Quite an exciting way of networking and sharing ideas..."
  • "There was a lot of sharing of ideas amongst our team and this enhanced our learning and understanding..."
  • "The course made us aware of other practices which could benefit our decision-making process..."

Última modificación: viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015, 10:44